Dori Monson Death The immediate family of Dori Monson, together with the KIRO Newsradio family and Bonneville International Corporation, are extremely grieved to report Doris unexpected demise on Saturday night at a Seattle hospital. Dori, a longtime defender of social and political causes, was well-known among his large audience as a kid from the bad neighborhoods of Ballard. Dori was the most popular mid-day host on KIRO-FM at the time of his death.We, along with Doris family, are mourning his loss, said Bonneville Seattle Senior Vice President and Market Manager Cathy Cangiano. We are working on on-air tributes to memorialize and celebrate his life and legacy.At the University of Washington, Dori began her radio career in 1982. Since then, she has worked at KIRO since the early 1990s, as well as KING-TV and KING Radio. Dori, a devout Christian and ardent supporter of girls sports for more than 25 years, led Shorecrest High School to its first girls basketball state championship in 2016Despite having health concerns in recent years, Dori loved playing pickleball with his family and going deep sea fishing with friends from KIRO and ESPN. He leaves behind a wife, three grown daughters, a dog, and a lot of devoted listeners to his show.Dori Monson Death The immediate family of Dori Monson, together with the KIRO Newsradio family and Bonneville International Corporation, are extremely grieved to report Doris unexpected demise on Saturday night at a Seattle hospital. Dori, a longtime defender of social and political causes, was well-known among his large audience as a kid from the bad neighborhoods of Ballard. Dori was the most popular mid-day host on KIRO-FM at the time of his death.We, along with Doris family, are mourning his loss, said Bonneville Seattle Senior Vice President and Market Manager Cathy Cangiano. We are working on on-air tributes to memorialize and celebrate his life and legacy.At the University of Washington, Dori began her radio career in 1982. Since then, she has worked at KIRO since the early 1990s, as well as KING-TV and KING Radio. Dori, a devout Christian and ardent h
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